TELEPHONE 201-659-0450




 St. Anne’s School is a religious and educational resource that has been serving St. Anne’s Parish since 1903. Operating under the auspices of St. Anne’s Parish and the Newark Archdiocesan School System, the school emphasizes the value of our faith and continually seeks to build a faith and community, where priests, parents, parishioners, students, faculty, and staff share a common concern for the spiritual and educational growth of each individual.

The school staff is made up of the Sisters of Charity, lay teachers and parish priests. The school is under the direction of a lay principal educating from pre-school through grade eight.

The basic subjects are taught employing various educational techniques and audio-visual equipment. A computer center is utilized to instruct the students in grades K-8 on the use of computers. In addition the school has a library staffed by volunteers. Religion is an integral part of the curriculum and permeates all aspects of daily school activities. In addition, St. Anne's students participate in a variety of activities and experiences which give positive expression to their faith such as school Masses, para liturgies, reception of the sacraments and service to others.



1. Policy

2. Age

3. Immunization

4. Health

5. Catholics



1. Absence

2. Excessive absence

3. Lateness/Tardiness

4. Absence other than illness

5. Record of attendance

6. Emergency closing

SCHOOL HOURS…………………………………………………4

1. School day

2. Supervision

3. Arrival and departure

4. Parking


1. School Calendar

2. Newsletter

3. Reminders

4. Responses

5. Appointments

6. Children bringing cash to school

7. School Telephone

8. School Records

9. Court Orders

10. Pick-up from school



FIELD TRIPS………………………………………………...9


1. Program of Studies

2. Homework

3. Progress Reports/Report Cards

4. Grading

5. Scholarship/Awards

6. Promotion/Retention


1. Detention


1. School Nurse

HEALTH AND SAFETY……………………………………14

1. Fire Drills

2. Suspected child abuse or neglect

3. Asbestos Management

4. Physical Education

5. Student Accident Insurance

6. Illness/Injury

7 Communicable Diseases



1. Drug/Substance Abuse

2. Student Pregnancy

3. Emergency Information

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1. Whenever available spaces are limited in any given grade level, preference will be given to registered parishioners of St. Anne’s Parish. Waiting lists when employed shall be valid and utilized for one academic year only. Re-registration shall be required for the succeeding academic year.

2. Age requirements for Current Academic Year

Nursery 3 years old on or before December 31st

Pre-K 4 years old on or before December 31st

Kindergarten 5 years old on or before December 31st

First Grad 6 years old on or before December 31st

3. Immunization Requirements:

DPT: a minimum of four doses.

OPV: a minimum of three doses provided at least one dose is given on or after the fourth birthday.

MEASLES VACCINE: one dose administered on or after the first birthday, second dose live vaccine prior to first day of school.

RUBELLA VACCINE: administered on or after the first birthday, children who were immunized before the first birthday are to be re-immunized.

MUMPS VACCINE: one dose administered on or after the first birthday, children who were immunized before the first birthday are to be re-immunized.

An applicant whose immunization record is incomplete will not be admitted.


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4. Health Requirements: When necessary amendments to the above and or other health requirements may be necessary for attendance.

5. Catholic Applicants: A Baptismal Certificate and verification of any additional sacraments received shall be required.

6. Transfer Students: A transfer notification and health records inclusive of the above stated health requirements shall be required. Academic and other pertinent records shall be solicited from the school previously attended.


Prompt, regular attendance is absolutely essential to academic success. The parent/guardian is expected to foster these good habits in the student both for the benefit of the student’s current academic achievement and to encourage mature adult behavior in the future.


A parent/guardian must call the school no later than 9:00 A.M. to report a student’s absence. If no call has been received by 9:00 A.M. the school secretary or designee will make a reasonable effort to reach the parent/guardian by phone to verify the legitimacy of the absence. These procedures represent a mutual effort to account for the presence of the student during school hours.

When a child returns to school he/she must present to the teacher a written excuse from a parent/guardian stating the student’s name together with the days and reason for the absence. An absence of three consecutive days requires a doctor’s note


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2. Absence from School and Participation in School Activities:

If a student is absent from school because of illness or disciplinary action, he/she will not be permitted to take part in extracurricular or athletic activities that afternoon or evening.

3.Excessive Absence: Prolonged or scattered absence may result in poor academic performance, legitimate or otherwise and should be avoided when possible. Schoolwork may be requested from the classroom teacher only after three consecutive days of absence for legitimate reasons. A doctor’s note may be required when a student is excessively absent.

4. Lateness/Tardiness: Whether to school or class, tardiness is disruptive of the classroom and normal school day and imposes upon all in a detrimental manner. Detention before, during or after the regular school day may be assigned at the discretion of the teacher and/or the principal. Students must be in school no later than 8:20 A.M. or 12:30 P.M. for those that do not eat in the lunchroom. If three latenesses occur during a marking period, a detention will result. More than three latenesses in a marking period will result in a conduct referral and noted on the personal development of the student’s report card.

5. Absence Other Than Illness: It is recommended that the student attend school each day that the school is in session and that non-emergent reasons for absence be avoided. Acceptance of a parent/guardian note of excuse does not necessarily condone the absence or activity engaged in by the student.

Please schedule all doctor/dentist appointments after school hours.


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6. Record of Attendance: A student shall be recorded absent from school for any whole or half day when not present unless participating in a school activity or has received administrative sanction.

7. Emergency Closing: In the event of a severe snow storm or other event which necessitates the immediate closing of school without prior notification, the following procedure will be followed The principal will notify the members of the Executive

Board of the Home School Association who in turn will notify class mothers. They will inform other parents of the school closing through phone relay. Please do not call the convent or teachers. Please follow the procedures established.


1. School Day

Begins officially at 8:20 A.M.

Lunch Period 12:00 P.M. –12:30 P.M.

School dismissal Grades 1-8 - 2:45 P.M.

Kindergarten 2:40 P.M.

2.Supervision: The school’s responsibility for supervision begins at 8:05 A.M. and ends at 2:45 P.M. Exception to the above is limited to students who leave at 12:00 P.M. for lunch at home and return at 12:30 P.M. for the afternoon session. Additionally, supervision of students shall be afforded for any and all school activities on and off the school premises. Parental permission slips shall be required for student participation.


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3. Arrival and Departure: All students at each grade level are asked to arrive as close to the starting time for their program as practical. Parents/guardians are also urged to pick up pupils promptly at dismissal times. In any event, students in grades K-8 should not arrive before 8:05 A.M.

4. Parking: It is most difficult to park in all areas adjacent to the school building. Parents/guardians are urged to walk to and from the school building whenever possible. Please observe all laws and regulations regarding parking and motor vehicle laws in the vicinity of our school. Do not place your child or the children of others in danger of injury. Police will issue a summons for any violations.


1. School Calendar: An annual publication distributed to parents/guardians for guidance purposes through pupils at each grade level the first day of school.

2. Newsletter: A monthly publication of important dates, school activities and events and pertinent information for pupils and parents. Distribution generally occurs on or about the first day of each month through pupils.

3. Reminder: Published sporadically with distribution through pupils.

4. Parent/Guardian Responses: On occasion the school shall solicit responses which usually are in the form of an acknowledgement, such as a signature.


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5. Appointments with School Personnel: Parents/Guardians who wish to meet with the principal, a teacher or any member of the school staff must contact the office to arrange a mutually convenient time. Teachers may also be contacted via a written request. For the sake of good order in the school, parents may not approach staff members during the school day without arranging an appointment beforehand. Staff members who wish to communicate with the parents of a student may do so by phone, letter or during a conference. Teachers will not schedule an appointment at times that could conflict with teaching or supervisory duties. When appointments are made, both the parents/guardians And staff member should be aware of the purpose of the Conference so that all concerned may be appropriately prepared.

Visitors must report to the office prior to any visit, scheduled activity or teacher conference.

6. Children Bringing Cash to School: Money that is sent to school should be placed in a sealed envelope and identified with the child’s name and room, the amount enclosed and its purpose.

7. School Telephone: access is not extended to pupils for forgotten items such as textbooks, homework, gym uniform or other similar items. Emergencies may be brought to the attention of the office and principal by the pupil for consideration. Forgotten school lunches may be brought to the school office.


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8. School Records: St. Anne’s School abides by the provisions of applicable law with respect to the rights of non-custodial parents.

In the absence of a court order to the contrary and upon request, the school will provide the non-custodial parent with access to the student’s essential academic records.

A parent may solicit a copy of their child’s or children’s school records or transcripts in writing. An appropriate charge may be incurred.

9. Court Orders: If there is a court order specifying the rights and responsibility of the custodial parent to provide the school with an official copy of the court order. The custodial parent may wish to supply the principal with the custody section of the divorce decree if it contains information, that which may be useful to the school in fulfilling its obligations.

10. Pick-Up From School: The school will permit only the custodial parent, or his/her designee, to pick up the child during or at the end of the school day. The non-custodial parent will not be permitted to remove the child from school during or at the end of the school day, unless there is written authorization from the custodial parent. In an emergency, a clearly defined, one time telephone authorization may be acceptable.

Any student not picked up on time will be brought back into school and an automatic late pick-up fee will be assessed to the parents.


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A group of parents/guardians, faculty, the Pastor of St. Anne’s Parish and the Principal of the school.

1. The purpose of the Association is;

The advancement of Catholic Education and the welfare of students at St. Anne’s School. To aid and assist spiritually, socially, and financially all activities of St. Anne’s School.

2. The policies are:

The Association is non-commercial.

This Association shall be non-political.

This association shall recognize the established school policies and practices as set forth by the Pastor and the School Principal, and shall at no time attempt to make changes in management surrounding or regulations of the school, except when specifically charged by the Pastor and the school Principal.


The non-Catholic student is welcome at St. Anne’s School. The non- Catholic student is expected to understand and agree that the school exists to educate in the framework of Catholic values.

Non-Catholic students must participate in the Religious classes and liturgical services scheduled for students during the school year. 


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On occasion, St. Anne’s School will sponsor and conduct field trips for the educational enrichment of the students. Participation in the field trip is a privilege. No student may participate in a field trip unless a signed parent/guardian permission slip for the specific event is submitted to the school and student is in good-standing conduct wise.


1. Program of Studies

A. Basic Program/Major Subjects.


Language Arts (Phonics, Grammar

Penmanship, Spelling, Writing and Library Skills.)



Social Studies


B Ancillary Programs.

Physical Education

Computer Technology



C. Remedial Programs


Supplemental Instruction for Classified Pupils


English as a Second Language


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D. Services

Examination and Classification

School Nurse

2. Homework: Homework is important. It is an extension of the learning that takes place in school. Homework can provide practice and drill that reinforces classroom learning and can provide opportunities for independent study, research, and creative thinking. Parents can help their children by arranging a quiet, comfortable place for them to work and by making certain that assignments are completed on schedule.

Suggested Time Frames

Grades 1 and 2, 10-30 minutes

Grades 3 and 4, 30-60 minutes

Grades 5 and 6, 60-90 minutes

Grades 7 and 8, 60-120 minutes

3. Progress Reports: Are issued approximately midway through each marking period and at other times as necessary. Parents/Guardians are asked to acknowledge receipt and are free to request a conference with the teacher.

Report Cards: Are issued quarterly and receipt acknowledged by signing and returning the envelope. Report card conferences with classroom teachers are available twice each year and the dates published in the annual school calendar.

Kindergarten reports of pupil progress are distributed mid-year and at the conclusion of the school year.


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4. Grading (Grades 1-8) Pupil progress is reflected on the report card through the use of letter grades.

Academic code: Personal Development Code*

A+= 97-100           S- Satisfactory

A = 92-96              U-Unsatisfactory

B+= 88-91

B = 83-87

C+= 78-82

C = 73-87        *additionally used by ancillary    subject areas

D = 70-72

U = Below 70 which do not meet daily

NOTE: Making-up school work missed due to absence is the responsibility of the pupil and must be completed within 7 days of the pupil’s return to classes unless arranged differently with permission of the teacher.

5. Scholarship:

First Honors= A or better in each academic area with no unsatisfactory ratings.

Second Honors= A and B or better in each academic area with no unsatisfactory ratings.

Awards: On occasion and only when made available, scholarship awards open upon application to all students and are governed by specific criteria.

Promotion/ Retention: A student may be retained at the same grade level when he/she fails (below 70) one or more major academic subjects. Major subjects include Reading, Language Arts and Math.


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Written notification of the potential retention shall be made at the conclusion of two marking periods if possible or when apparent.


A spirit of Christ-like charity, respect for authority and mutual cooperation are essential elements of the learning environment at St, Anne’s School. Students are expected to act with courtesy and respect toward one another and toward all members of the staff. They must take seriously their obligations to develop lifetime habits of self-control and concern for the well being of others. Home and school will work together to help students to learn and live the qualities of responsible behavior and the elements of good citizenship.

A student who chooses to disrupt the good order of the school or to violate a policy or regulation will have to accept the consequences of those irresponsible choices. Appropriate discipline is within the discretion of the principal. Accountability for uncooperative, disruptive or unsafe behavior may take any of the following forms: misconduct referrals or warnings, denial of privileges, detention, in school suspension, out-of-school suspension, or expulsion.

Actions which violate the law, threaten or cause harm to other students or staff members, disrupt or impede the welfare and progress of the school community, or bring discredit to the school will not be tolerated. Such actions or other severe violations of school rules may result in immediate expulsion. If a student persists in violating basic obligations of courtesy, consideration, respect, cooperation or safety, principal/parent/student conferences will be scheduled. All subsequent discipline


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counseling, consultation and corrective action plans will be viewed as positive home-school efforts to help the student improve behavior. If these cooperative efforts of parents and school staff prove ineffective, the student will be subject to expulsion or may be denied re-admittance to school.


Teachers may detain students before, during or after school for violations of classroom or school rules. If unable to inform parents of children in primary grades at lunch time, a note will be sent home with the student informing the parents of the detention and the reason, in this case, the detention will be the following day. Students in the fourth to eighth grades may stay for detention on the same day.


Students may not take any prescription or non-prescription medication in school, including cough drops or cough medicine, without a note from a doctor.

A. The parent/guardian must provide a written request for the administration of the prescribed medicine at the school.

B. Written orders are to be provided to the school from the private physician, detailing the diagnosis or type of illness involved, the name of drug, dosage and time of administration. Forms can be obtained from the nurse’s office.

C. The medication must be brought to the school in the original container, appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or physician.

D. The school nurse will review the orders of the private Physician.


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E. The school will provide a secured locked space for the safe storage of medicine, and prescription drugs will be kept locked at all times.

F. The certified school nurse or parent/guardian is the only one permitted to administer the medicine in the school and/or on school trips.

G. The record documentation process is required to be maintained by the school nurse.

1. School Nurse: The Jersey City Board of Education contracts the services of a school nurse for St. Anne’s School. The nurse is assigned to our school for 3 or more days. Each year, students in grades 5-8 receive scoliosis screening. All grades are given vision tests and have their height and weight recorded. Students in grades K-4 and 7-8 have their hearing tested. The nurse also provides our students with health counseling.


1. Fire Drills: Are practiced regularly and in accordance with city and state regulations. Our local fire department supervises a drill monthly.

2. Suspected Child Abuse: New Jersey State law requires that any person who has reasonable cause to believe that a child may have been subjected to abuse or neglect, must make a report to the New Jersey Division of Youth and Family Services.

3. Asbestos Management: The School’s Asbestos Management Plan is on file in the school office. As required by the Federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) this document is available for examination upon request.


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4.Physical Education: The official uniform is a light blue tee shirt, navy blue shorts with school insignia and white socks. Sneakers MUST be worn in order to participate and all class rules observed.

5. Student Accident Insurance: Information on the available plan is distributed through pupils annually in September or upon enrollment.

6. Illness/Injury: When a student becomes suddenly ill or sustains an injury in or on school property the following procedure will be observed.

a. First aid applied if appropriate by the school nurse or designated personnel.

b. Notify parent/guardian

c. Send home with parent/guardian for appropriate treatment if required.

d. Pick-ups shall be made at the office unless not appropriate.

7. Communicable Diseases: Parents/Guardians should advise the school nurse or office immediately. A doctor’s certification for re-admittance shall be required.


The official school uniform is as follows:


Grades K-4 light blue long or short sleeve blouse, navy blue jumper, navy blue socks (KNEE). Sweater is navy blue with official school insignia (Sweater is optional). No pantyhose, tights or slacks may be worn in school. Designated vendor Lobel’s Uniform Center.


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Grades 5-8 Light blue short or long sleeve blouse, navy blue pleated skirt, navy blue vest, with school insignia, navy blue socks (KNEE). Pullover sweater, long or sleeveless. Sweater is navy blue with official St. Anne’s insignia. Sweater is optional.

Uniform skirts/jumpers should reach the top of the student’s knees. If students wear skirts/jumpers that are extremely short they will be sent home. Cosmetics including nail polish or fake nails are not to be worn in school at any time.

Girls may not wear earrings that hang below the ear, only post earrings are allowed. Handbags, pocketbooks are not permitted.


Light blue short or long sleeve shirt, short sleeve knit shirt after May 1st navy blue uniform pants, navy blue tie with school insignia, navy blue belt, navy blue socks. Sweater is navy blue with official St. Anne’s insignia. (Sweater is optional).


Girls K-4 Navy blue or black tie shoe

5-8 Navy blue or black loafer

Boys-All grades black tie shoe

No shoes may be worn above the ankle, heels may be no more than 1 inch high, no sneaker like shoes or boots are permitted.


Boy’s hair should not touch their shirt collar. Girls’ hair should be neatly combed. Large bows or other ornate headpieces are inappropriate to wear with uniforms and are not allowed. FAD HAIRCUTS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED.

NOTE: All of the above is to be considered school policy and regulation. Violations shall be treated fairly and with full

consideration of the school’s disciplinary policies. Pupils and parents are advised that all clothing items cited above are to be "official" and are available from Lobel’s our local designated vendor. All clothing items should be labeled.


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1. Drug/Substance Abuse: Any student in possession of using selling an illegal substance will be subject to immediate dismissal from the school. This includes the possession of drug paraphernalia. The proper authorities will be notified according to the Drug Free School Zone Agreement.

2. Student Pregnancy: A student who becomes pregnant may participate in all aspects of the school program, provided she has written permission of her doctor. The student should be encouraged to seek proper medical attention. Should her health require that she not be in school, home tutoring, through government programs will be provided.

3. Emergency Information: Each student is required to have on file at the school office the following in case of emergency.

-name of parents or guardians

-complete and up-to date address

-current home phone and work numbers of parents

-current emergency phone numbers of a friend or relative

-physician’s name and phone number

Notify the school immediately if you have a change on emergency card information.

4. Tuition Arrears: When a parent/guardian fails to timely meet financial obligations for a 30 day period after the scheduled due date or to contact the school office to make appropriate arrangements to rectify the matter, a student/(s) may not be permitted to attend class or take tests and/or examinations.


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 5. School Property and Books: Students who disfigure or destroy equipment will be required to pay damage or replacement of the item.

6. Additional Programs and services: When available to pupils and/or parents additional programs and services shall incur additional fees. Appropriate notification and fees required shall be distributed through students.

Ex: Lunchroom program, computer fee, book/supplies etc.

7. Remedial Programs: Programs when sponsored by a private or public school and taught by a state-licensed teacher shall be considered when evaluating the status of a pupil.

8. Computers: Students are not allowed to enter CHAT ROOMS

BULLETIN BOARDS, NOR SEARCH E-MAIL via the computer. This policy is necessary in order to prevent students from viewing any objectionable material. Access to the internet will only be under a direct teacher’s supervision.

Any student who misuses the computer by either harming the machine or printing objectionable material will be removed from computer class for a period determined by the principal.


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9. In order to make children more responsible the ONLY items that will be brought to children during school day will be their lunches. All other items that h been left at home (sneakers, books, milk money etc) will not be accepted at the school office.

10. No one is allowed to return to classrooms after 2:45 P.M. to pick up books or other personal items.

 11. Milk Money: Money will ONLY be collected on assigned day. Dates and prices are on monthly calendar. Milk money must be brought in by child only in a sealed envelope with the amount and grade clearly marked. 

12. Vacations: Children who go on vacation during school time will not be given assignments. It will be the parents’ responsibility or the child’s responsibility to contact the teachers to arrange for the work to be done after student returns.


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