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copyright stannes4/2000
April 21st,
Fourth Sunday
of Easter

of Masses Week of April 22nd - 28th, 2002
22nd |
the People of the Parish |
Lattanzi |
Lattanzi |
Hannon |
& Dennis Cronin |
O'Neill |
& Michael Knell |
24th |
7A.M. |
Kennedy |
Hannon |
9A.M. |
Buckley |
Rinyak |
PM |
D'Amico |
Family |
25th |
Kaminski |
Sieminski |
Angela Maccini |
Fran M. |
April 26th
7A.M. |
Christon |
Russo |
Maffei |
Family |
April 27th
A.M. |
Angela Maccini |
Terry |
P.M. |
Buckley |
& Don Wetzel |
7:30PM |
Oliveras |
Family |
April 28th
7:30AM |
Anthony |
Family |
9A.M. |
Colucci |
Starin |
Anderson |
Family |
Noon |
Maffei |
Teachers |
Gifts April 21st - April 27th,
Memory Of
Wojciechowicz |
Wong |
Bread |
Bald |
Family |
DelGiorno |
& Denise Pisani |
DelGiorno |
Gerrity |
Let Us
Pray For Those Seriously Ill
will remain on sick list for 2 weeks unless otherwise notified:
Angelica Krajnik, Florence Cirone, Frances Muzikar, Ann Palmieri and John O’Connor.
Vocation reflections
The shepherd calls his sheep by name and leads them through the gate to a place of safety and life. Shepherds are needed in the world today to lead people to Jesus and to His way. Are you being called to shepherd God’s people, to be his voice in the world today? Are you being called to be a priest, deacon or religious?
you feel this call, “inquire within” and Please
contact the Vocations Office the Vocations
Office at (973) 497-4365 or by E-mail at kellyric@rcan.org. Or visit our web
site at www.rcan.org.
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Jesus says, “I came that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Good stewards are grateful for the gift of life and joyfully share their abundance with others.
April 2002
April 13/14
Month’s Total
Month’s Average
Mailed in
We thank you!

Month ‘01 Monthly Avg.
‘02 Monthly Avg.
March $6,227.
Every Tuesday the Blessed Sacrament is
exposed in the church from 3PM to 4PM. It is an hour of prayer for the priests
and religious men and women of the church. Prayers are also said for an increase
of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. We invite you to come and
spend time with the Lord for these intentions and for your personal requests.
The Holy Hour closes with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. If you cannot
join us in church, we ask you to join us from a quiet spot in your home and pray
with us, asking the Lord to guide and protect our priests.
Gift Shop
Attention Communion Parents: Communion sets for boys and girls are available in
the rectory Gift Shop. These sets include prayer book, rosary, scapular and pin.
We also have white ties for the boys and an assortment of other Communion and
Baptismal gifts.
The Gift Shop is open Sunday 10 a.m.-1 p.m. or Monday thru Thursday until 5 p.m.
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Our Website

When you log
on and browse around you’ll see all kinds of information about our parish.
Included, of course, will be the current activities for the many different
organizations as well as an update as to what is going on with our parish
Do not let evil defeat you: Instead,
conquer evil with good!!
By your wounded heart: teach
us love, teach us love, teach us love..... -Daphne Fraser
St. Dominic Academy
Attention 8th Grade Girls!! St. Dominic’s has limited space available for qualified 8th grade girls entering Freshman year of high school this September. St. Dominic’s is located at 2572 Kennedy Boulevard in Jersey City. Apply now!! Call (201) 434-5938 x35 or email
stdominicacad@hotmail.com for more information. Tours available, “Freshman For A Day” program.
Softball Clinic
Attention 8th, 7th and 6th Grade Girls!!! You’re invited to St. Dominic Academy’s Softball Clinic/Camp Day on Saturday, May 4th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Lincoln Park in Jersey City. For more information or to sign up, please call the school at (201) 434-5938 or email
Second Collection
Next weekend, we will participate in a special collection for mission parishes in the United States and its dependencies. This appeal strengthens the Church at home by supporting Catholic communities in need. It assists dioceses that serve the pastoral needs of Hispanics and other ethnic groups. It enables Catholic parishes in poor and remote communities to provide Mass, the sacraments, and religious education for their people. The Catholic Home Missions
St. Anne’s Rosary
Society Bake Sale/Flea Market
We are excited to announce that our annual Bake Sale/Flea Market will be
held on Saturday, April 27th (following 6 p.m. Mass) and Sunday, April
28th (following all masses). Anyone wishing to donate baked goods or items
for the flea market may drop them off at the auditorium on Saturday, April
27th at 3 p.m. We appreciate your support. See you at the Sale!
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MONDAY Acts 11:1-18 Ps 42:2-3;43:3-4 Jn 10:1-10
TUES. Acts 11:19-26 Ps 87:1-7 Jn 10:22-30
WED. Acts 12:24-13:5a Ps 67:2-3,5-6,8 Jn 12:44-50
THURS. 1Pt 5:5b-14 Ps 89:2-3,6-7,16-17 Mk 16:15-20
FRIDAY Acts 13:26-33 Ps 2:6-11 Jn 14:1-6
SATURDAY Acts 13:44-52 Ps 98:1-4 Jn 14:7-14
NEXT SUNDAY - FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Acts 6:1-7 Ps 33:1-2,4-5,18-19 1Pt 2:4-9 Jn 14:1-12

Grand Opening
Father Stan Fortuna will host the Grand
Opening of “THE WELL”, a Christian coffee house series for adults and youths
of high school age. Join us on Thursday, April 25th from 7-9 p.m. at the
Archdiocesan Youth Retreat Center, 499 Belgrove Drive in Kearny. Father Stan is
a dynamic Christian music songwriter and performer. Gourmet coffee, food and
beverages will be available. Cost is $5 at the door. For more information call
First Holy
This weekend and next weekend, children from our Parish will be receiving their First Holy Communion at all the Masses. This weekend’s Communicants are: Michelle Galvan, Leonel Veloz, Wilfred Estiler, Christina Perez, Matthew Jamandron, Rebecca Borja, Vanessa Matute, Stephanie Melendez, Arealles Ortiz, Luis Galarza, Coty Reiner, Justin Vega, Kathleen Dizon, Melanie Gonzales, Jason Flanagan, Kathleen Gonzalez, Miguel Colombani, Amanda Markowski, Arianna Nieves, Peter Guarracino, Stephen Gigante, Alissa Laurie, Jamiee Laurie, Katie Gomez. Congratulations!
Mass For
Those Whose Children Have Died
A Mass for those whose children have
died will be offered at Notre Dame R.C. Church, 358 Central Avenue, North
Caldwell, NJ on Friday, May 10th at 7:30 p.m. All who grieve the death of a
child are invited to attend. This Eucharistic Liturgy can provide another step
in the ongoing process of healing after the death of a child. A personal witness
will also be offered as the name of each child is read during the liturgy.
Pre-registration is requested. Please call the Office of Family Life Ministries
at 973-497-4327 for information and registration.
High School Information Nights
The Catholic High Schools of the Archdiocese of Newark present Spring 2002 High School Information Nights (all sessions 7-9 p.m.):
April 23rd - Annunciation Parish, Parish Center, 50 W. Midland Ave., Paramus
April 25th - Our Lady of Blessed Sacrament, Parish Auditorium, 28 Livingston Ave., Roseland
April 29th - St. Peter’s College, Pavonia Dining Room, 2641 Kennedy Blvd., Jersey City
With just one visit, meet and speak with students and admissions personnel from numerous Catholic High Schools. For a brochure or information on participating schools, phone Pat Braun, Director of School Marketing for the Archdiocese, 973-497-4260.
Spring Musical
On Sunday, April 21st at 3 p.m., St. Paul
of the Cross will host the Park Players performance of their latest musical
production “Once Upon A Slipper”, an enchanting and light-hearted review of
fairy tale tunes. Group rate (10 or more) tickets are: Adults $8, Seniors $6.
Non-group rate tickets are: Adults $10, Seniors $8, Students $3. For tickets
please call Gerry Osias at 201-963-6238 or Pat Roda at 201-792-5530.
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Great Idea For Mother’s Day
To honor your mother (living or deceased) this Mother’s Day, Catholic Community Services is offering a meaningful gift. For a minimum donation of $5, the Emergency Food and Nutrition Network will send your mom a card noting your donation to help feed the hungry of the Archdiocese! Monies received will be used ONLY for the purchase of emergency food supplies. Mail your donation to: EFNN, Catholic Community Services, 494 Broad Street, 5th Floor, Newark, New Jersey 07102 or call (973) 596-5128. Your mom will be so proud of you for recognizing her caring!!
Top Page
Mother’s Day
Sponsored by
Our Lady of Guadalupe
May 11, 2002
8:30 p.m. Till -
St. Anne’s Church Auditorium
Tickets purchased in advance: $10
Sold at door: $12
Food, Drink, Music And 50/50 To Be Sold
Honor Cardinal McCarrick
Theodore Cardinal McCarrick will be the guest of honor
at RENEW International’s Dinner Gala on the center stage at the beautiful New Jersey Performing Arts Center on June 4, 2002. You can honor this great priest who led our archdiocese and supports RENEW’s work of spiritual renewal in parishes around the country and the world. For more information about attending the Gala or placing a journal ad, please call Jose Hernandez at 908-769-5400 x112 or visit
Annual Cherry Blossom Festival
Mid-April marks the annual Cherry Blossom Festival in Branch Brook Park in Newark. The Archdiocese invites all parishioners to visit this world-class historical landscape that borders our mother church, the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart, and enjoy the spring beauty of one of this country’s most dramatic floral displays.
You’re also welcome to visit the Cathedral Basilica when you attend the Festival. For those of you who haven’t been there before, Pope John Paul II named this landmark church a basilica in 1995 because of its architectural and artistic beauty.
Celebrity Golf Tournament
The Office of CYO/Youth & Young Adult Ministries will hold its annual Celebrity Golf Classic Tournament on Monday, May 20th at the Edgewood Country Club in River Vale, New Jersey. The celebrity honoree at this year’s fundraiser, dinner and auction of sports memorabilia will be Tiki Barber of the New York Giants. Golfers can register as individuals or foursomes. Corporate sponsorships and purchases of advertising space in the Commemorative Sports Journal are also available. For more information or registration information, call the office of Youth & Young Adult Ministries at 973-497-4512.
World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Our Holy Father has announced that the “World Day of Prayer for Vocations” will be celebrated this weekend, Sunday, April 21, the Fourth Sunday of Easter. The Holy Father states: “It is necessary to adopt all means to ensure that Vocations to the Priesthood and Consecrated Life, essential for the life and holiness of God’s people, are continuously at the centre of Spirituality, of pastoral action and the prayer of the faithful”. The Holy Father adds: “Families are called to play a decisive role for the future of vocations
in the Church”.
The priests of the Archdiocese of Newark are called to promote, nurture and support vocations to the priesthood of Jesus Christ. The Church encourages all parishioners on this important day to pray for an increase of Vocations to the Priesthood and Consecrated Life, as we call upon the Lord to send us more Holy Priests and Consecrated Religious for His Church.
Night At The Races
On Friday, May 3rd at 7 p.m., Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Jersey City is sponsoring a Night At The Races. It will be held in their school gym, 95 Broadway (entrance on Giles Ave.). Donation $20 includes hot buffet. Come join the fun! Tickets available at Mount Carmel’s school,
rectory office or call 201-435-0209 to reserve ticket to pick up at door.
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CCD News
* Re-registration needs to be in by end of April to guarantee your child’s place for next year. New registration will be taken May 1st. Payment not necessary at time of registration.
* Communicants receiving First Holy Communion on April 27/28 will have practice in church on April 22nd, 24th and 25th (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday) from 3-4:30 p.m.
Communicants are requested to arrive (20 minutes) early for Mass at which they are to receive First Holy Communion. This request comes from the Priest who will be celebrating the Mass. Thank you.
* Communion Sets will be blessed at Thursday’s practice days. Send them with your child on this day ONLY!
* Letters were sent home requesting your child’s participation at the Group Communion on Saturday, May 4th and for the May Crowning with the Rosary Society on Tuesday, may 7th - Communion children will form a living rosary. Please let me know if your child will be present at either or both of these events. Practice dates for May 4th are April 29th, May 1st and 2nd 3-4:30 p.m.
* On Thursday’s practice, April 25th, I would like to see parents who can come to church at 4 p.m. to go over directions for your child’s day.
* Teacher’s Meeting Wednesday, May 1st in Parish Center #3 at 7 p.m.
Pastor’s 25th Anniversary

Our Parish will be celebrating Father
Vic’s 25th Anniversary in the Lord’s Service on May 19, 2002. There will be
a Mass of Thanksgiving at 4 p.m. in the church followed by a reception at the
Casino-in-the-Park at 6 p.m. Reception includes dinner, live entertainment and
local transportation to and from the Casino-in-the-Park, if needed. Seating
arrangements can be coordinated for both small and large groups (max. 10 per
table). For information, please contact Marie Pianese 201-798-6534 or Jackie
O’Donnell 201-798-8062.
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Personal Meditation
21st Fourth Sunday of Easter
Awareness of God’s Presence
God is forever present in our lives no matter what “evidence” there may be to the contrary. And God is present in our lives even if we consciously or unconsciously choose to drift away.
God is forever seeking to establish and maintain communication with us. God is aware, sometimes sadly and painfully, when we pull away or move in the wrong direction.
God is forever seeking us, as we divert from, and redirect our paths. Like a very good friend, God remains loyal to us.
God is forever present, as we search for solutions to problems that confuse us.
God is forever available when we feel lonely, alienated, and lost. God is present to provide companionship and guidance through life’s many dilemmas.
God is forever standing by the door of our lives seeking an entry point to support, sustain, and strengthen us.
God is forever present even when we are indifferent toward him and feeling great independence and self-sufficiency.
God is more anxious to confer his blessings than we are to receive them. As we go about our daily living, let us know and be aware of God’s real presence. “Find out for yourself how good the Lord is.”
for the Day
We do not seek God—God seeks us.

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