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St. Anne's  in the Heights (J.C.)

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1904 - 2017

St. Anne's is located at: 3545 Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City, NJ 07307

for directions click Here

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St. Anne Rectory Phone number:  201-360-0838

            St. Anne's School Alumni PLEASE register (click here)    

  Note the alumni list is totally private and unpublished.

LINKS TO All St. Anne photos        

You can call 1-800-Mass Times and get information about Mass availability and time schedules as well as directions to the Church.  If you can access a computer, you can get Mass schedules if you know the Name of the Church or the phone number by jumping on to        .   Isn't that a great help when you aren't at home.

Go to Spiritual Journey page for Bible reading (audios available)  Wonderful resource

Please click on this link for information regarding the Food Pantry.  Tina Edelmann, John Seborowski and any Priest can assist you in accessing the pantry services.

Mission Statement:

"You have been enlightened by Christ. Walk always as children of light and keep the flame of faith alive in your hearts.  When the Lord comes, may you go out to meet him with all the saints in the heavenly kingdom."

These words were spoken to you the day you were received into the Church as you and your family celebrated the Sacrament of Baptism. We, the community of St. Anne’s, reaffirm these words and welcome you with great joy to our parish family.

At St. Anne’s we struggle to bring into reality the gift of our Baptismal Invitation, i.e. "to be a people of God called by name to form a Christ centered Community". A Community where we can experience the grace to become the dream that God has planted in our hearts. To achieve this, each member of the community pledges themselves to the other. Our central pledge is to create a space so sacred that God’s deep, passionate love can be experienced and shared. We hope to awaken within ourselves our true identity, that we are sons and daughters of God and, therefore, brothers and sisters to each other. From this we hope to be a light that shatters the darkness in our world and be the Good News that is announced for others to take comfort.
These are lofty goals and high ideals. Sometimes we fall short but we do not give up the struggle. We invite you to join in our struggle. Be gentle in judgment, rich in forgiveness, and generous in your love.

In Matthew’s Gospel, when you see the word "church" he is using the Greek word "Ecclesia" the English translation is "gathered up".  Matthew is recalling the prophet Jeremiah who speaks of a remnant that will be gathered up and form a new people of God, a new community. This word has come into English as "Church" We are not a church building, we are building church. We have found that since our parish has almost 2,000 families, it is difficult to form community on this large level. Small groups create an easier space to experience intimacy and allow growth. It is our desire that these small Christian communities not become cliques that are exclusive, but communities that are inclusive and inviting. These many small groups are the building blocks that create the larger community.  (original parish mission statement by Most Reverend Father Victor P. Kennedy)


If you have any input: suggestions, ideas, problems,  please contact us through the rectory @ 201-360-0838 or  email . We will be happy to hear from our family. Again WELCOME

Prayer for world peace 

All loving and merciful God, God of Abraham—and of all those searching for you with a humble heart—protect the lives of all your children, especially those in harm's way because of the violence of war. Hear the cries of those most poor and vulnerable among us. We are all poor, indeed, because peace is so far from us, as a result of our common shortsightedness, frailty and susceptibility to bias and arrogance. But peace is within our reach—if we let ourselves be converted into instruments of your peace and healing love. Enlighten the darkness of our hearts that we may rely not so much on our own haughty wisdom and dark weapons of violence, but on your glorious light and overflowing love. Send us your help to heal our broken world. Amen.     by Friar Jack Wintz, O.F.M.

Please continue to pray the Rosary and the Stations of the Cross as often as possible for world peace, conversions, the revitalization of our parish


 The Divine Mercy Novena New Advent

Catholic info site


Father Nigel  Pastor

Click here    Song from Vince Ambrosetti's "Written Not With Ink",©1985 ILP Records,

I will not forget you....I have held you in the palm of my hand   Isaiah 49:15

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©  copyright joykforstannes4/28/00                     Updated on 2017-04-12 10:42 AM