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copyright stannes4/2000
June 2nd,
Holy Body and
Blood of Christ

of Masses Week of June 3rd - June 9th, 2002
3rd |
the People of the Parish |
Lattanzi |
Theresa |
Mocarski |
Family |
B. Walsh |
V. Walsh Jr. |
5th |
7A.M. |
Delgado |
Wife |
9A.M. |
Favazzi |
Family |
PM |
Del Giorno |
Family |
6th |
Ostrowski |
Krasuski |
DiSalvo |
Family |
June 7tht
7A.M. |
Chiara |
Fusco |
Sjoholm |
& Waddleton Families |
June 8th
A.M. |
Meier |
Family |
P.M. |
Hartmann |
& Charlotte |
7:30PM |
Hannia Melendez |
June 9th
7:30AM |
Mallari |
Family |
9A.M. |
Cotter |
Rozzi |
& Klara Pekar |
& Nicholas |
Noon |
Vaccarella |
Vaccarella |
1:30PM |
Lillis |
Gifts June 2nd - June 8th, 2002
Memory Of
DeLuise |
Wife |
Bread |
DeLuise |
Wife |
DeLuise |
Wife |
DeLuise |
Wife |
Let Us
Pray For Those Seriously Ill
will remain on sick list for 2 weeks unless otherwise notified:
Ron Lenahan, Lester Infante, Socorro Kennedy, Rose Certo, RosIe Renton, Ann Palmieri, and Angelica Krajnik.
Vocation reflections
That we can collaborate with God is a humbling truth. That God lives among us is an even more starling reality. The Eucharist is the body and blood of Christ! We, the Church, are also the body of Christ! Our call is to eat and drink the body and blood of Christ. Our vocation is to be that Body of Christ thus collaborating with him. Perhaps the Lord is calling you to do so as a priest, brother or sister.
you feel this call, “inquire within” and Please
contact the Vocations Office the Vocations
Office at (973) 497-4365 or by E-mail at kellyric@rcan.org. Or visit our web
site at www.rcan.org.
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St. Paul reminds us today, though we are many parts, we are one body. How well are we using our gifts of time and talent to build the body of Christ?
May 2002
May 25/26
Month’s Total
Month’s Average
Mailed in
We thank you!

Month ‘01 Monthly Avg.
‘02 Monthly Avg.
April $6,234.
Every Tuesday the Blessed Sacrament is
exposed in the church from 3PM to 4PM. It is an hour of prayer for the priests
and religious men and women of the church. Prayers are also said for an increase
of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. We invite you to come and
spend time with the Lord for these intentions and for your personal requests.
The Holy Hour closes with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. If you cannot
join us in church, we ask you to join us from a quiet spot in your home and pray
with us, asking the Lord to guide and protect our priests.
of Christian Initiation of Adults
RCIA Team of St.Anne's is now accepting registration for all who wish to
become Catholic of for those who have been baptized Catholic and have not
received their Sacraments of First Communion and/or Confirmation.
formation is a gradual process consisting of weekly classes after the
10:30am Mass on Sundays. If you are aware of any person who is
interested in becoming a Catholic or needs to receive their Sacraments,
please contact Janice Fiorese at the rectory 201-656-2490.
Name: ___________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________________ |
Letters to Priests on Leave
Some people have asked how to reach priests when they leave a particular assignment for a sabbatical. If anyone wishes, he or she is most welcomed to write. Drop off sealed and addressed letters at the rectory, and they will be forwarded to the Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia for distribution.
Teachers Job Fair
The Office of the Superintendent
of Schools is holding a Teachers Job Fair on Thursday, June 6, 2002 from
4:30-7:30 p.m. at the Archdiocesan Center in Newark. High school and elementary
principals will be in attendance. To register or for more information, please
call 973-497-4260 or e-mail KAVANAAN@RCAN.ORG
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Our Website

When you log
on and browse around you’ll see all kinds of information about our parish.
Included, of course, will be the current activities for the many different
organizations as well as an update as to what is going on with our parish
Do not let evil defeat you: Instead,
conquer evil with good!!
By your wounded heart: teach
us love, teach us love, teach us love..... -Daphne Fraser

Top page
“St. Anne”
Festival 2002
St. Anne’s
Festival is set for the weekend of July 26th, 27th, 28th. There will be food,
entertainment and games for both children and adults. Everyone always enjoys
stopping by for the activities.
Unfortunately for the Committee, every year they run into the same problem with
a lack of volunteers. The only way an affair like this can be successful is with
“helping hands” and “commitment”. You can consider this to be your
Stewardship of Time to the church. Festival Meetings are held every Tuesday from
now until the Festival in Parish Center #3 at 7 p.m. Stop in at the next meeting
on May 7th. These meetings are open to anyone and everyone who is interested in
helping out in any way possible! If you’re interested, please pick up a form
from the church vestibule. New faces are welcome!
Weekend Retreat for Separated or Divorced
A weekend retreat for separated or divorced people will be given on June 7th,8th, & 9th of 2002 in Newton, New Jersey by a Franciscan Retreat Team. For more information, please call Father Tom Kelly, OFM at 201-531-0741 or Deacon Milt at 973-208-8430.Future School Leaders Program
Teachers! Are you interested in Catholic school leadership? Do you feel called to accept the challenge of leading a Catholic school? The Future School Leaders Program of the Archdiocese of Newark seeks to form Catholic school leaders in the three foundational roles of spiritual, educational and managerial leadership. Applications are being accepted for th new cohort beginning in September 2002.
Pre-requisites include: practicing Roman Catholic; a minimum of 5 years teaching in a Catholic school; recommendation of both pastor and current principal; and willingness to pursue a Master’s degree and certification in administration.
For further information and application contact: Sister Elizabeth Scully, CND at 973-497-4260 or e-mail
scullyel@rcan.org or mail to 171 Clifton Avenue in Newark, New Jersey 07104.
Men and women ages 21-99
are invited to attend the Adult RESEARCH Retreat on the weekend of May 31-June
2, at the Archdiocesan Youth Retreat Center, 499 Belgrove Drive in Kearny, NJ.
The SEARCH Weekend provides adults a chance to step back from the rigors and
demands of life and focus on their relationship with God, the power and love of
Christ and the presence of Christ Jesus within a faith community. Cost of $75
includes meals and materials. Time is short. Please register by this weekend
(Friday, May 24). For more information, call Fr. Mike Joly at 201-998-0088.
Natural Family
The Archdiocese of Newark, in
conjunction with Holy Name Hospital in Teaneck, is offering a program in Natural
Family Planning to foster responsible parenthood and marriage enrichment. NFP is
an educational program that helps couples plan their family size and is
presented by a trained married couple in a series of four (4) meetings, one each
month, at Holy Name Hospital. A new course is scheduled to begin on Wednesday,
June 5th at Holy Name Hospital at 8 p.m.. Pre-registration is required. For
additional information/registration, please call 201-833-3121.
Information Evening
An Annulment Information
Evening is scheduled for Wednesday, June 12th. A canon lawyer from the
Archdiocese of Newark will discuss the most recent theology, guidelines and
requirements for obtaining a Church annulment. The information will be presented
in terms that all can understand. A question and answer period will conclude the
session. Pre-registration is not necessary. This evening of information will be
held at Ss. Peter & Paul R.C. Church at 404 Hudson Street in Hoboken at 7:30
p.m. For additional information, please call the Office of Family Life
Ministries at 973-497-4327.
Top Page
MONDAY 2Pt 1:2-7 Ps 91:1-2,14-16 Mk 12:1-12
TUES. 2Pt 3:12-15a,17-18 Ps 90:2-4,10 Mk 12:13-17
WED. 2Tm 1:1-3,6-12 Ps 123:1-2 Mk 12:18-27
THURS.2Tm 2:8-15 Ps 25:4-5,8-10,14 Mk 12:28b-34
FRIDAY Dt 7:6-11 Ps 103:1-4,6-8,10 1jn 4:7-16 Mt 11:25-30
SATURDAY 2tm 4:1-8 Ps 71:8-9,14-17,22 Lk 2:41-51
NEXT SUNDAY - 10th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Hos 6:3-6 Ps 50:1,8,12-13,14-15 Rom 4:18-25 Mt 9:9-13

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital announced today the successful completion of Math-A-Thon at St. Anne’s School in Jersey City. Math-A-Thon, now in its 22nd year, is an educationally based fund-raising program in which students obtain sponsors for the number of math problems completed in special workbooks provided for students in grades K-9. The program is sponsored nationally by Six Flags Theme Parks, who provide free passes to their parks for every student raising $35 or more.
The students who participate in the program learn to do more than just math problems; they also learn the importance of helping children who are less fortunate then themselves. Through the Math-A-Thon, they are able to help provide a future for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Children with more than 200 forms of cancer and other catastrophic diseases find hope at St. Jude. Since its founding in 1962 by the late entertainer, Danny Thomas, the survival rate for most forms of pediatric cancer have risen dramatically. In fact, today more than 70% of all children with cancer will survive their bout with the disease. St. Jude fully credits these successes in treatment to the generous support of people around the world, including the students at St. Anne School.
“We are very proud of our students for working so hard on the Math-A-Thon,” said Mrs. Marlene Bartram, volunteer coordinator (St. Anne’s School Principal). “With their help, St. Jude Hospital will be able to create new treatments that may one day lead to a cure for many forms of cancer that will benefit the children of our state, our country, and around the world. I also want to extend our thanks to the Jersey City community for supporting our students. It takes all of us to make a difference in the lives of children with cancer, and we can feel proud of our response.”
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Congratulations to St. Anne’s School Graduates of 2002! Please keep them in your prayers as they continue their education in the High Schools of their choice:
Jonathan Agudo - Voorhees High School
Richard Ayuda - St. Peter’s Prep
Sandra Basile - Academy of St. Aloysius
James Braddock - St. Peter’s Prep
Daisy Dairo - Academy of St. Aloysius
Karrie Ducusin - St. Dominic Academy
Christopher Edelmann - St. Peter’s Prep
Eugenia Ferez - St. Joseph’s of the Palisades
Gertrude Figueroa - St. Dominic Academy
Marciano Figueroa - St. Peter’s Prep
Christina Forte - Academy of St. Aloysius
Maria Gigante - St. Dominic Academy
Tiffany Guarracino - Academy of St. Aloysius
Galo Limongi - St. Peter’s Prep
Vinh Luong - Hudson Catholic
Brittany Machi - Academy of St. Aloysius
Brian Marquez - McNair Academic H.S.
Natasha Murado - Academy of St. Aloysius
Joseph Murphy - Lake Brantley H.S. (Apopka Florida)
Shane Ngagel - Hudson Catholic
Katrina Pardo - St. Joseph’s of the Palisades
Elizabeth Paredes - Academy of St. Aloysius
Megha Patel - Academy of St. Aloysius
Vishakha Patel - McNair Academic H.S.
Audrey Pungot - McNair Academic H.S.
Christopher Ramoo - North Bergen H.S.
Joel Salazar - St. Peter’s Prep
Giuseppe Sallustio - WoodRidge H.S.
Ameer Sattaur - North Bergen H.S.
Jessica Tango - Academy of St. Aloysius
Nishant Tyagi - St. Peter’s Prep
Joseph Michael Yap -St. Peter’s Prep

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Personal Meditation
June 2nd, 2002
Corpis Christi
Deuteronomy 8:2-3,14-16, Psalm 147, 1 Corinthians 10:16-17, John 6:51-58 (167)
Let's be honest: Sunday Eucharist is not always the most exciting hour of our week. Sometimes we feel the pressure of going because “we have to”; occasionally we encounter people in church we don't care for all that much; at times the liturgy seems a little tedious and maybe even boring.
Today's readings are upsetting invitations to reassess our eucharistic values. Do we celebrate life or do we put up with it? Do we appropriate the self-giving of Jesus or do we focus only on self?
Moses' sermon in this passage from Deuteronomy is his last instruction to the Israelites as they prepare to enter the promised land. They must remember how the Lord fed them with manna during the wilderness years, how they drank from the flinty rock. Now in the fertile land they must realize that one does not live by bread alone. God's Word ensures fullness of life.
Paul writes to the divided Corinthians who were making a scandal of the Eucharist. To eat the bread and drink the wine are genuine participation in the body and blood of Christ. Eucharist and pagan ritual are contradictory.
More than likely today's passage from John's Gospel was originally part of the Last Supper narrative. The author has reshaped the passage into the bread of life discourse in
John 6:35-50. The focus is now on the Eucharist, Jesus as the source of life and nourishment.
As we receive the body and blood of Christ, does the teaching of John make us aware that we are indeed caught up in God's life? Corpus Christi is that special feast that proclaims: To celebrate Eucharist is to celebrate life.
Stories and Anecdotes
Corpis Christi
Gratitude - Coming Back to God
For if by nature someone is loving and grateful, the memory of the favor God has granted does more to bring such a person back to God than all the infernal punishments imaginable. Saint Teresa of Avila
Sacraments - Eucharist: Our Brother's Help
Two brothers wanted to give their mother a gift for Mother's Day. The one brother was ten years older than the younger, who was still quite young. The older brother made all the arrangements: he bought the card and a gift, and then asked his little brother to sign the card, and asked what the little brother could afford to give. The younger boy produced a nickel, all that he had to give his mother.
It is that way in the Eucharist. Jesus provides the perfect sacrifice to the Father. We enter into Jesus' Spirit and do what little we can as our part of Eucharist.
Sacraments - Eucharist: Companion, Food, Pledge of Heaven
Dying for us did not satisfy you. You had to give us this sacrament as a companion, as food, as a pledge of heaven. You had to become a tiny baby, a poor laborer, a beaten criminal, even a morsel of bread. Only a God who loves us deeply could conceive such an idea. Saint Alphonsus Liguori
Sacraments - Eucharist: Communion Time
A young couple took their son Nickie to the Mass with them. When it was time for Communion, the young father bent over and told his son, “Now I have to go up and get the Bread.” Nickie said, “I'd rather go up and get a donut.”

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