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copyright stannes4/2000
June 9th,
10th Sunday
in Ordinary Time

of Masses Week of June 10th - 16th, 2002
10th |
the People of the Parish |
Helmsdorfer |
Family |
Mocarski |
Family |
Edward Larkin |
12th |
7A.M. |
Matti |
Purcell |
9A.M. |
& William Staranka |
Family |
PM |
Diane & Jack Paparella |
& Bruno Spazian |
13th |
of St. Anthony |
Fusco |
Anthony |
Martin |
7A.M. |
Ippolito |
& Gemma |
Fossimo |
& Anthony |
June 15th
A.M. |
& Ceasar Salati |
Family |
P.M. |
Father of the Parish |
7:30PM |
Jimenez & Eloisa Flores/All Fathers of the Parish |
Galarza |
June 16th
7:30AM |
Father of the Parish |
9A.M. |
Father of the Parish |
Father of the Parish |
Noon |
Father of the Parish |
Gifts June 9th -15th, 2002
Memory Of
DelGiorno |
Family |
Bread |
DelGiorno |
& Mrs. Kennedy |
Tango |
Angelo Tango |
Tango |
Tango |
Let Us
Pray For Those Seriously Ill
will remain on sick list for 2 weeks unless otherwise notified:
Ron Lenahan, Barbara Scocco, John Wochna, Lester Infante, Rosie Renton, Michele Mazzile and Angelica Krajnik.
Vocation reflections
Jesus said to Matthew “Follow me” and Matthew got up and followed. Jesus calls not the self-righteous, but sinners. Is Jesus calling you to follow him by caring for the sick, preaching His love, goodness and forgiveness to others by being a priest, brother or religious?
you feel this call, “inquire within” and Please
contact the Vocations Office the Vocations
Office at (973) 497-4365 or by E-mail at kellyric@rcan.org. Or visit our web
site at www.rcan.org.
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The Gospel today is sometimes called
“the Gospel in miniature” because it concisely sums up the entire Gospel
message. In even more condensed form, “God loved...God gave...,” it is the
standard for stewardship, we give because we love.
June 2002
June 1/2
Month’s Total
Month’s Average $6,772.
Mailed in
We thank you!

Month ‘01 Monthly Avg.
‘02 Monthly Avg.
Every Tuesday the Blessed Sacrament is exposed in the church from 3PM to 4PM. Those who come dedicate an hour of prayer for the priests, DIVINE MERCY and religious men and women of the church. Prayers are also said for an increase of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. We invite you to come and spend time with the Lord for these intentions and for your personal requests. The Holy Hour closes with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. If you cannot join us in church, we ask you to join us from a quiet spot in your home and pray with us, asking the Lord to guide and protect our priests.
of Christian Initiation of Adults
RCIA Team of St.Anne's is now accepting registration for all who wish to
become Catholic of for those who have been baptized Catholic and have not
received their Sacraments of First Communion and/or Confirmation.
formation is a gradual process consisting of weekly classes after the
10:30am Mass on Sundays. If you are aware of any person who is
interested in becoming a Catholic or needs to receive their Sacraments,
please contact Janice Fiorese at the rectory 201-656-2490.
Name: ___________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________________ |
“St. Anne”
Festival 2002
St. Anne’s Festival is set for the weekend of July 26th, 27th, 28th. There will be food, entertainment and games for both children and adults. Stop by for the activities.
Let’s not forget our Novena to Saint Anne our Patroness July 18th-26th at 7 p.m. In Church.
Festival Meetings are held every Tuesday from now until the Festival in Parish Center #3 at 7 p.m. These meetings are open to anyone interested in helping out! Please pick up a Volunteer Form from the church vestibule. New faces are welcome!
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I’d like to thank each and everyone of you for making this celebration possible. So many people over so many years. Thanks for letting me share my life with you. Pray that what the Lord has begun will find fulfillment. I ended my first Mass over 25years ago with these words from Gregory Norbet: “When the time of our particular sunset comes, our thing, our accomplishment won't really matter a great deal, but the clarity and care with which we have loved others will speak with vitality of the great gift of life we have been for each other.” May it be so.
“Stay with me,” Micah said to him. “Be father and priest to me” Judges 17:10
As I reflect on 25 years of priesthood, three words keep popping into my head “stay with me”. These words are from the theme song of “The Cardinal”, a movie I saw in high school, which had a deep influence on me. It is about a man journeying with the Divine. A struggle of one man’s life to be real and authentic. As you watch the movie you see him relive the joys and sorrows of his priesthood. As he passes from one moment of life to another you share the tears and the laughter, the sins and the forgiveness, the death and the resurrection, and the constant prayerful cry, “Stay with me”.
“Should my heart not be humble, should my eyes fail to see stay with me. Should my feet sometimes stumble stay with me till I find to my wonder every path leads to thee stay with me all that I can do is pray “stay with me”.
Here, too, has been my journey of my priesthood. Realizing who the Lord has called to this sacred office and sacred duty all I can do is pray, “stay with me”. I think over the last many years the lives I touched and the lives that touched mine. The wounds I created and the wounds given to me. In essence, the joys and sorrows of being consecrated to working in the Vineyard. It amazes me the trust that God has in me and his willingness and ability to work through me. Over the years, the countless lives and moments where God has led me (often where I did not want to go) and yet when I let him lead me and did not get in His way, the wonderful things He accomplished, not because of me (more often in spite of me) but because of the promise given in the “Laying upon of hands”.
How many people over the years shared with me the invitation of Micah “Stay with me … be father and priest to me”? How many babies did I hold in joy as we celebrated their birth and rebirth in Baptism? How many babies did I hold in tears as their fragile lives slip away and found new birth in the resurrection? How many weddings filled with laughter and joy and great expectations and how many divorces filled with tears and pain crushed hopes and dreams? How many sick beds begging God for healing and rejoicing when the answer was “yes” and trusting when the answer was “no”? How many dinners in how many homes sharing every emotion the human heart can share from deepest parts of the soul where no one but their priest may travel with them? How many C.Y.O. trips, hoping to create an experience that would open a door to a new way of seeing, feeling, hoping, or dreaming? How many quiet nights in Gethsemane where my own heart would blend with the crucified Christ? Sharing in the footsteps that led to Calvary and hoping to have the courage and strength not to give up but instead to take up my cross and follow Jesus only to find my cross was light compared to others and yet my Lord so often lifted it from my shoulder just before I let it crush me?
How much trust in the gift of priesthood, the “Laying upon of hands”, that set apart men to be our priest and to be signs of God’s presence. Not a job but a life to which I have been invited by God Himself to share in the mystery of creation. Not because of my gifts and talents, not because of my ability, not because of my desire but because when I am real, I can let God work through me and He touches his creation. The song means more to me each day of my priesthood. All I can do is pray “stay with me”.
Please pray for me, and my next 25 years. May my priesthood become like clay in the Potter’s hands and may I allow myself to be molded and shaped into a tool that truly fits the hand of God and will accomplish for Him the reason I was created.
Fr. Victor P. Kennedy |
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Our Website

When you log
on and browse around you’ll see all kinds of information about our parish.
Included, of course, will be the current activities for the many different
organizations as well as an update as to what is going on with our parish
Do not let evil defeat you: Instead,
conquer evil with good!!
By your wounded heart: teach
us love, teach us love, teach us love..... -Daphne Fraser

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Top Page
Regarding Wills
“A Will is an important
part of every estate plan”. A person who dies without a Will (in testate) has
an estate plan of sorts, but not his or her own plan. For more information,
please call John McKenna at Planned Giving Office at 973-497-4125.
Information Evening
An Annulment Information Evening is scheduled for Wednesday, June 12th. A canon lawyer from the Archdiocese of Newark will discuss the most recent theology, guidelines and requirements for obtaining a Church annulment. The information will be presented in terms that all can understand. A question and answer period will conclude the session. Pre-registration is not necessary. This evening of information will be held at Ss. Peter & Paul R.C. Church at 404 Hudson Street in Hoboken at 7:30 p.m. For additional information, please call the Office of Family Life Ministries at 973-497-4327.
Felician College
Felician College’s Virtual Campus now offers Online:
• 33 credit Master of Art in Religious Education
• 18 credit Graduate Certificate in Religious Education
• 18 credit Post-Masters Certificate in Religious Education
• Discounts of up to 50% to clergy, vowed religious, and qualified lay persons in either paid or volunteer ministry.
Visit our web site at www.felician.edu
or call the Office of Adult & Graduate Admissions at 201-559-6055.

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MONDAY 1Kgs 17:1-6 Ps 121:1-8 Mt 5:1-12
TUES. Acts 11:21b-26;13:1-3 Ps 98:1-6
WED. 1Kgs 18:20-39 Ps 16:1-2,4-5,8,11 Mt 5:17-19
THURS.1Kgs 18:41-46 Ps 65:10-13 Mt 5:20-26
FRIDAY 1Kgs 19:9a,11-16 Ps 27:7-9,13-14 Mt 5:27-32
SATURDAY 1Kgs 19:19-21 Ps 16:1-2,5,7-10 Mt 5:33-37
NEXT SUNDAY - 11th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Ex 19:2-6a Ps 100:2-3,5 Rom 5:6-11 Mt 9:36-10:8

Bingo Canceled
In order to accommodate those volunteers who work and run St. Anne’s Bingo, there will be NOBingo for Tuesday, June 18th and Friday, June 21st.
Summer Institute at the College of St. Elizabeth
Excellent programs in theology, spirituality, and scripture will be offered by the Center for Theological and Spiritual Development, July 7th-18th. Please call 973-290-4300/4364 for a brochure or visit the website at
www.csespirit.org .
Programs in Theology, Spirituality and Scripture
The Center for Theological and Spiritual Development at the College of St. Elizabeth offers many excellent programs, i.e., certificate workshops, lectures, and special events throughout the year. Please call 973-290-4300/4364 for Pathways, a brochure giving all of the details about these events, or visit our website at
www.csespirit.org .
Neighborhood Street Fair
Our Lady of Czestochowa Church is sponsoring its Seventh Annual Street Fair, Spring on Sussex Street, Sunday, June 9th from 2-6 p.m. It will take place on Sussex Street between Washington and Warren Streets in downtown Jersey City. The Street Fair features continuous live entertainment, games and crafts for children and adults, an outdoor café, delicious foods, an art show, raffles, displays, health tests, and more! The entertainment will be two jazz groups, a folk group, celebrity impersonators, singers, mimes, clowns, puppets and marionettes, etc. In the event of rain, the event moves to Victory Hall, 186 Grand Street, Jersey City. For more information, see
www.paulushook.org or call 201-434-0798.
Summer School Program
Saint Dominic Academy is offering a Summer School Program for female only high school students and those preparing to enter high school. Remedial Courses and Enrichment Courses namely, Introduction to Chemistry, Language Arts Workshop and Basic Math Skills are available. Also, this year SDA is offering a Summer Seminar to rising 7th and 8th graders. This program includes Pre-Algebra, Creative Writing, Visual Design, Developing Leadership, Study Skills and Film and Literary Criticism. This program runs Monday through Thursday from June 24th to August 1st, 2002. For further information, call 201-434-5938.
Gift Wheel
The Padre Pio and St. Joseph Prayer Groups will be sponsoring a booth at St. Anne’s Festival. Donations of new/unused gifts will be gladly accepted. If you feel you do not have the time to shop, monetary donations will also be gladly accepted. Time is drawing near. Items or donations can be dropped off at the rectory marked “St. Joseph Prayer Group”.
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Personal Meditation
June 9th 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mt 9:9-13
As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up and followed him. And as he sat at dinner in the house, many tax collectors and sinners came and were sitting with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they said to his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners? ”But when he heard this, he said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Go and learn what this means, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have come to call not the righteous but sinners.”
Psalm 42:8
Singing in the Darkness
At fifty-nine, Mary Colburn of Norfolk, Virginia, developed post polio syndrome as a result of the crippling disease she suffered as a child. Unable to walk, she must crawl from her bedroom to the bathroom. She is completely destitute and relies on modest government support for survival. In spite of her disability, Mary Colburn continues to sing in the darkness. On nights when the pain is so severe that she cannot sleep, Mary engages in an alphabet game to motivate herself and take her mind off the pain.
A) Accentuate the positive; eliminate the negative.
B) Balance your life.
C) Change; if you don’t like something, then take some action.
D) Determination; resolve to remain steadfast in the present moment.
G) Gratitude; “I wake every morning and say I walk in gratitude,” Mary declares in spite of the fact that she cannot walk.
H) Help someone else who is worse off than I am.…
N) Never say never.
“I stop at N,” Mary says emphatically. Her example can inspire each of us. When our lives are darkened by difficulty, we can still find reasons to sing in the darkness.
Thought for the Day
I would rather be able to appreciate things cannot have than to have things I am not able to appreciate.
June 13th
Feast of St. Anthony |

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