© copyright stannes4/2000 Page 1 ******************************************************************************************************************* December 8th, 2002 Second Sunday of Advent
Let Us
Pray For Those Seriously Ill Vocation reflections
If you feel this call, “inquire within” and Please contact the Vocations Office the Vocations Office at (973) 497-4365 or by E-mail at kellyric@rcan.org. Or visit our web site at www.rcan.org.
HOUR FOR PRIESTS During this time of postponement, we invite you to continue praying at home for the priests, DIVINE MERCY and Religious men and women of the Church and for an increase of vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Retired Religious FundThere will be a second collection next weekend, December 7-8, for the Retirement Fund for Religious. Please remember our elderly religious in your prayers. Now in its 15th year, the Fund addresses the needs of more than 40,000 religious who are past age 70. Please be generous. Advent Tradition of Blessed WheatAs we prepare the coming of Our Savior, our Church has rediscovered a European Advent tradition of growing grains of wheat for the manger scene at home. On the Feast of St. Lucy (December 13th), these grains are planted in very moist soil. On Christmas Eve, the children then cut the wheat and place it in their manger. Next weekend, December 7th/8th, these grains of wheat will be distributed after all Masses to those who wish to share this new experience with their children. We ask that you take these wheat grains home, plant them and, as a family, check their growth on a daily basis. Remind the children that the wheat will provide a bed for Jesus to rest on when we celebrate His birth on Christmas.
Top page 4 Attention Senior Citizens!!On December 8th, Merrill Lynch will sponsor “phone calls anywhere in the world” for SENIOR CITIZENS ONLY - No Children and No Walk-ins!! A bus will pick you up in front of St. Anne’s Church at 1 p.m. Any questions, please call Peg Riscoe 201-659-3930. 31st Annual Candlelight Carol SingThe newly-released CD of the 31st Annual Candlelight Carol Sing from the Cathedral Basilica is now available for $15. This live recording features 70 minutes of Christmas music sung by the Cathedral Choir and an assembly of over 2000 voices accompanied by brass, percussion and the spectacular Cathedral organs! The CD would make a lovely Christmas gift. For more information, contact the Cathedral Music Office at 973-484-2400. NutcrackerThe New Jersey Foundation for Dance and Theatre Arts proudly presents their production of the “Nutcracker” performed by the American Youth Dance Company. Performances are: Saturday, December 7th at 7 p.m. and Sunday, December 8th at 3 p.m. at Felician College (John J. Breslin Jr. Theatre), 262 South Main St., Lodi. Tickets: $25 Orchestra; Adults $20; Children 10 and under $17. Group sales are available. For more information, please call the New Jersey Foundation for Dance and Theatre Arts 973-839-4031 to order tickets. Special rates for non-profit groups of 25 and more. Our Lady of GuadalupeOn December 12th, Our Lady of Guadalupe Society invites the Parish Family of St. Anne’s to join them for the Rosary at 6:30 p.m. with Mass to follow in Spanish and Fellowship in the auditorium afterward. Christmas Concerts
Dominic Academy invites all to attend their Christmas Concerts and the start of
their 125th anniversary celebration! The annual SDA Glee Club Christmas Concert is on Sunday, December 8th at 4 p.m. in Landmark Loew’s Theater located at 54 Journal Square, Jersey City (on Kennedy Blvd. across from PATH Station). Cost is $10/person. Discounted parking available behind the Theater. The SDA Alumnae Women’s Choir “A Ceremony
of Carols & Other Christmas Favorites” on Sunday, December 22nd at 4PM in St. Paul's Lutheran Church located at
440 Hoboken Ave., Jersey City (near Five Corners). Admission is $5/person.
For more information call 201-434-5938, ext. 35.
Top Page 6
MONDAY Gn 3:9-15,20 Ps 98:1-4 Eph 1:3-6,11-12 Lk 1:26-38 TUES. Is 40:1-11 Ps 96:1-3,10-13 Mt 18:12-14 WED. Is 40:25-31 Ps 103:1-4,8,10 Mt 11:28-30 THURS. Rv 11:19a;12:1-6a,10ab Ps Jdt 13:18bc,19 Lk 1:39-47 FRIDAY Is 48:17-19 Ps 1:1-4,6 Mt 11:16-19 SATURDAY Sir 48:1-4,9-11 Ps 80:2-3,15-16,18-19 Mt 17:9a,10-13 NEXT
61:1-2a,10-11 Ps Lk 1:46-50,53-54 1Thes 5:16-24 Jn 1:6-8,19-28 Immaculate ConceptionOn MONDAY DECEMBER 9th, The Mass schedule for Immaculate Conception will be 7a.m., 9a.m., and 6:30 P.M. Candlelight Carol SingThe 32nd annual Candlelight Carol Sing will be held at the Cathedral Basilica on Tuesday, December 10th at 8 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m. Christmas music sung by the Cathedral Choir and Assembly will be accompanied by the great Cathedral organs and chamber orchestra. Free-will donation. For more information call 973-484-2400. Welcome to our Family
We recently received five new members to our
St. Anne’s Parish Family through the Sacrament of Baptism.
As they begin their new life of grace, we ask that you remember them in
your prayers. They are: Carlos
William Castillo, John Anthony Diciancia, Jr., Nolan Douglas Logan, Jada Mattie
Miller and Kyle William Torres
Top Page 7 Our Web Site When you log
on and browse around you’ll see all kinds of information about our parish.
Included, of course, will be the current activities for the many different
organizations as well as an update as to what is going on with our parish
family. By your wounded heart: teach us love, teach us love, teach us love..... -Daphne Fraser CCD News- On December 13th, the Confirmation candidates will sponsor a dance at 7 p.m. in the auditorium for parents and candidates. We also invite all seventh graders and their parents who are the upcoming class. Forms have been sent home. Please send in so we know who will attend. Cost is $5 each. - On December 21st & 22nd, a plant, cookie and candy sale will take place after all the Masses in the auditorium. This will be sponsored by the 8th graders who have just made their Confirmation. - Parent group meeting to
discuss children's Christmas party will take place on December 15th instead of
December 8th.
Share Your Joy At Christmas
Catholic Community Services (CCS) provides a unique and personal opportunity for an individual, family, church community, school or organization to help critically needy families in the Newark Archdiocese who wouldn’t have Christmas without some outside support. Through the CCS’ Emergency Food and Nutrition Network (EFNN), food pantry coordinators in the four counties refer eligible families to the EFNN. These families are linked with a donor who receives a profile of the family situation, first names, ages, size, and wish list. Donors are asked to provide 2-3 age appropriate gifts and grocery store gift certificates for their selected family. They are also responsible for delivering the gifts to the food pantry which serves the family one week before Christmas. For more information, please call Rose Shannon, CCS EFNN at 973-596-5128. Christmas at THE WELL
December is Christmas at “THE WELL”, a Christian coffee house series for adults and youth of high school age. This joyful celebration of the Birth of Christ from 7 to 9:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 12th, will feature sacred and secular Christmas Music, Lessons, and Carols performed by a collection of artists who have performed at the WELL since its inception last year. Bring your holiday spirit
and expect a festive environment and popular holiday foods at the Archdiocesan
Youth Retreat Center, 499 Belgrove Drive in Kearny.
Admission will be $3. THE
WELL is held the second Thursday of every month.
For more information, call 201-998-0088. Top Page 8 Page 9 Top Personal Meditation December 8th, 2002 Is
40:1-5, 9-11 2 P 3:8-14 Mk 1:1-8 Gospel Reading
is the beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It is written
in the book of Isaiah, the prophet, "I am sending my messenger ahead of you
to prepare your way. Let the people hear the voice calling in the desert:
Prepare the way of the Lord, level his paths." So
John began to baptize in the desert; he preached a baptism of repentance for the
forgiveness of sins. All Judea and all the people from the city of Jerusalem
went out to John to confess their sins and be baptized by him in the river
Jordan. John
was clothed in camel's hair and wore a leather garment around his waist. His
food was locusts and honey. He preached to the people saying, "After me
comes one who is more powerful than I am; I have baptized you with water, but he
will baptize you in the Holy Spirit. As for me, I am not worthy to bend down and
untie his sandals." Reflection
17 more praying days to Christmas! Special offer - hope and expectation! Life
has a purpose and a destination, and God is determined to take us there. Valleys
and mountains lie ahead, but our Shepherd is with us every step of the way. We
aren't worthy to untie his sandal, but he will kneel to wash our feet. Christmas
shows that God works in small, simple and hidden ways. Christ's first coming is
the seed. The tree is the new heaven and new earth in which justice - right
relationships - reigns. If justice can reign in even one heart, then a new earth
is possible. If we want to see a new earth and be part of it, we are invited:
"Prepare the way!" Christ's way - through the cross - to life and joy
in all its fullness. Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin MaryBlessed Virgin Mary, the feast of your Immaculate Conception brings joy to the Church. May your motherly concern for us keep our lives free from the evil of sin. May we imitate your life of humble faith and service. Amen Prayer
During the Advent Season
Lord, move our hearts to
prepare joyfully for the coming of Christ our Savior. Protect us from all
dangers, and free our minds and hearts from the darkness that hinders your
light. As we look forward to the feast of your Son's birth, increase our faith
and trust in your love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. |