© copyright stannes4/2000 Page 1 ******************************************************************************************************************* February 23rd, 2003 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Let Us
Pray For Those Seriously Ill Vocation reflections In
today’s Gospel, Jesus not only forgives the sins of the paralytic man, he also
gives him the ability to stand and walk-He gives him new life.
Are you willing to offer God’s people new life, to help him stand
boldly in their faith? If you feel this call, “inquire within” and Please contact the Vocations Office the Vocations Office at (973) 497-4365 or by E-mail at kellyric@rcan.org. Or visit our web site at www.rcan.org.
SCRIPTURE REFLECTION Our Weekly Offering February 2003 February 15/16 $ 4,866. Month’s Total $ 15,912. Month’s Average $ 5,304. Mailed in, thank you
$ 102.
4TH! Every Tuesday the Blessed Sacrament is exposed in the church from 3 to 4 p.m. It is an hour of prayer for the priests, DIVINE MERCY and religious men and women of the church. Prayers are also said for an increase of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. We invite you to come and
spend time with the Lord for these intentions and for your personal requests.
The Holy Hour closes with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
If you cannot join us in church, we ask you to join us from a quiet spot
in your home and pray with us, asking the Lord to guide and protect our priests.
Top page 4
ARCHBISHOP JOHN J. MYERS Reprinted from The Catholic Advocate 2/5/03 Reports on policies for funeral liturgies need clarification February 5, 2003 THE CATHOLIC ADVOCATE • PAGE 23 In the past couple of weeks people in the Archdiocese of Newark and around the country have received misleading information about the directive I gave to the priests of the Church of Newark concerning the practice of eulogies at funerals. I am sorry that these reports have caused upset to some. Please be assured that all of us who minister to families and friends at the time of a death — clergy, religious, and lay people alike — know full well the range and depth of emotion when a loved one passes away. We ourselves have felt these same emotions when members of our own families have died. We know the need for family and friends to express their feelings to one another at this time. The Christian funeral offers worship, praise and thanksgiving to God, the creator of all life; it commends the deceased person to God’s merciful love; it affirms the bond between the living and the dead in the communion of saints; it brings hope and consolation to the bereaved; it celebrates Christ’s Passover and our participation in it through Christian initiation. (See Order of ChristianFunerals (OCP) 1-7.) The Christian funeral is not a celebration of the life of the person who has died, even though we honor and express gratitude for all God’s gifts to that person. While the presider is to keep in mind with delicate sensitivity not only the identity of the deceased and the circumstances of the death, but also the grief of the bereaved (Ordo Exsequiarum18), the focus of the Christian funeral rite is the saving mystery of Jesus’ death andresurrection. Attentive to the grief of those present, the homilist should dwell on God’s compassionate love and on the Paschal Mystery of the Lord, as proclaimed in the Scripture readings (OCF 27). The liturgical books are clear: thereshould always be a homily but there should never be a eulogy of any kind. (SeeInstitutio Generalis Missalis Romani, popularly known as the General Instruction of the Roman Missal IGRM 382; OCF 27). The Order of Christian Funerals, which celebratesstages in the funeral journey, beginning with the Vigil Service and concluding with the Rite of Committal, makes provision for family members to speak words of remembrance at an appropriate moment. But this is not to be a biography of the person — such information can be printed in a participation aid. Nor should it become a eulogy — a speech in praise of the person who has died. While eulogies are common at the funeral services of many faith traditions, they are not traditional Catholic practice. It is only in recent years that some have insisted on delivering, or have even been urged to deliver, a eulogy during the Funeral Mass. The revised Order of Christian Funerals (1989) allows for someone to "speak in remembranceof the deceased." Because so many have expressed serious concerns about the content of the words of remembrance spoken in churches, I am asking that these words of remembrance not be spoken during the Funeral Mass. There are other appropriate times and places where these words can and should be spoken. I personally understand how speaking about the life of the deceased is necessary and is part of the healing process. It must be remembered that, according to the Order of Christian Funerals, words spoken "in remembrance of the deceased" are to be spoken in the context of the Church’s celebration of the saving mystery of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and should reflect the deceased person’s faith and participation in the Paschal Mystery.
Top page 6 Consequently, on January 2, 2003, I made the following provision regarding the issue of "eulogies": The homily, which should not be a mere eulogy, is to be delivered only by the celebrant, another priest or deacon. Any messages delivered by family members or friends shall be limited to the visitation or the graveside service and ordinarily shall be limited to a single person. Some parishes have found other appropriate places and times that do not interrupt the flow of the Funeral Liturgy. However, for a number of months now, many priests of this Archdiocese have asked for guidance from me about how to respond to requests for a "eulogy" at a funeral, or how to counsel families about reflections that go beyond a few minutes, or even about the content of an individual’s reflection. I can sympathize with these concerns. We can all recall reflections that have been inspiring, and others that have been disjointed or embarrassing. Some speakers, even with the best intentions, may not be able to complete their reflection because their emotions understandably overcome them. This policy is based on the conviction that the liturgy of the Church, the Order of Christian Funerals, when celebrated as the Church intends will meet the spiritual and emotional needs of mourners. Catechesis on this matter is necessary; it should be well thought-out and planned. It should be gradual, given at appropriate times, and might be accomplished best prior to the experience of death. I am asking pastors, parochial vicars, and all those involved in helping families in preparing the Funeral Liturgy to be pastorally sensitive in explaining how family members and friends can better speak words of remembrance at other appropriate times outside of the Funeral Mass. In light of this need for clarification, I am extending the period of time for the January 2, 2003 decree to be required in the Archdiocese of Newark. Since so many have written to me and have expressed confusion I am happy to allow additional time for our parish staffs to catechize the people of this Archdiocese, extending it until July 1, 2003. The Worship Office of the Archdiocese will be providing further information in the coming weeks to parish staffs that will aid in the implementation of this policy. Again, I regret any confusion this may have caused and I hope this clarifies the reasons why I, and many others, feel this interpretation is necessary at this time. Related references: General Instruction of the Roman Missal 2000 382. At the funeral Mass there should, as a rule be a short homily, but never a eulogy of any kind.... Order of Christian Funerals 27. A brief homily based on the readings is always given after the gospel reading at the funeral liturgy and may also be given after the readings at the vigil service; but there is never to be a eulogy. VIGIL AND RELATED RITES AND PRAYERS 62. ... After this prayer (Prayer of Intercession) and before the blessing or at some suitable time during the vigil, a member of the family or a friend of the deceased may speak in remembrance of the deceased. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1688. The liturgy of the Word during funerals demands very careful preparation.... The homily in particular must avoid the literary genre of funeral eulogy (OCF41) and illumine the mystery of Christian death in the light of the risen Christ.SINCERELY IN THE LORD Top Page 7 Our Web Site When you log
on and browse around you’ll see all kinds of information about our parish.
Included, of course, will be the current activities for the many different
organizations as well as an update as to what is going on with our parish
family. By your wounded heart: teach us love, teach us love, teach us love..... -Daphne Fraser Rosary SocietyBake Sale/Flea MarketSt. Anne’s Rosary Society will be having their Annual Bake Sale/Flea Market Saturday, April 12th (following 6 p.m. Mass) Sunday, April 13th (following ALL masses). Anyone wishing to donate
baked goods or items for the flea market (PLEASE...NO
CLOTHES OR BOOKS), may drop them off at the auditorium on Saturday, April
12th after 4 p.m
or any time Sunday, April 13th up to 2 p.m.
We appreciate your support. See
you at the Sale Marriage Encounter Weekend
Jesus went into the desert for forty days and nights to deepen his relationship with his Father and prepare himself for the task ahead. The Church has always viewed the season of Lent as a time of renewal for the most important relationship in our lives. Wouldn’t Lent be the perfect time to renew and enrich your marital relationship? You don’t have to go to the desert (you can stay in a comfortable hotel room), and it won’t be for forty days (only a Friday night to Sunday afternoon), but it could change your life. You are invited to
participate in a Marriage Encounter Weekend on April
4-6, 2003. Marriage
Encounter: helping to make good marriages better.
For more information and to register, please call Jim & Pat Detura at
1-800-823-5683 or (201) 384-8497.
Spirituality Convocation at the College of
St. Elizabeth
Wonderful speakers, workshops, and prayer experiences will be a part of the Spirituality Convocation on April 5, 2003. The Convocation is a great opportunity of spiritual renewal and refreshment. Please call the Center for Theological and Spiritual Development at the College of St. Elizabeth at 973-290-4300/4364 for a brochure, or visit our website at www.csespirit.org. Page 8 Top
MONDAY Sir 1:1-10 Ps 93:1-2,5 Mk 9:14-29 TUES. Sir 2:1-11 Ps 37:3-4,18-19,27-28,39-40 Mk 9:30-37 WED. Sir 4:11-19 Ps 119:165,171-172, 174-175 Mk 9:38-40 THURS. Sir 5:1-8 Ps 1:1-4,6 Mk 9:41-50 FRIDAY Sir 6:5-17 Ps 19:12,16,18,27,34,35 Mk 10:1-12 SATURDAY Sir 17:1-15 Ps 103:13-18 Mk 10:13-16 NEXT
2:16b,17b,21-22 Ps 103:1-4,8,10,12-13 2Cor 3:1b-6 Mk 2:18-22
Bid For Student Success
The Felician College Alumni Association and Council of Regents invite you to come to the auction block and make a bid for student success at a live auction and dinner. Join us on Saturday, March 8 in the cafeteria on the Lodi campus and bid on vacations, sports memorabilia, electronics, tickets to shows and events, celebrity autographed collectibles, and many other fabulous items. Preview begins at 5 p.m. and the dinner and live auction begin at 6:30 p.m. Tickets - including dinner, dessert, beer, wine, and soda - are $50 per person, and are advance sale only. For reservations, please call 201-559-3315. Please reserve your space by February 17th. Proceeds benefit the Felician College Student Scholarship Fund. Business Degree ProgramWould you give up one night a week to complete your college degree? Enroll in Felician College’s accelerated business degree program and complete your bachelor’s degree in organizational management in as little as 18 months if you have an associate’s degree or a minimum of 60 college credits. As part of this innovative program, you’ll benefit from a unique distributed learning program that combines traditional classroom instruction with on-line learning. By attending class one night a week, one five-week course at a time, you can complete your degree in just 18 months. Classes begin February 13. Call 201-559-6055 to learn more! CALDWELL COLLEGE will host the Summer semester Open House for the Adult Learner on Tuesday, April 3, 2003 starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Theatre Building. Complete your bachelor degree through various customized programs that offer options for the busy adult. Call 973-618-3385 and ask for an adult admissions packet. Personal appointments are available. Make your educational goals become reality. 2003 Offering of Letters Workshop
Put your Citizenship into Action - You are invited to participate in an Offering of Letters Workshop on Saturday, March 8th, at the Archdiocesan Center in Newark from 8:45 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.. At this workshop you will learn: (1) how U.S. foreign assistance aid program works; (2) reasons why this Offering of Letters campaign is important and deserving of your support; and (3) how you and your church community can be involved in building justice and peace in some of the poorest countries in the world. At this workshop you will be
equipped to join thousands of Christians across the U.S. in using the gifts of
your faith and citizenship to build a more just society.
For more information or to register, call the Archdiocesan Office of
Human Concerns at 973-497-4341. CCD News- Confirmation Enrollment Ceremony February 23rd at 9 a.m. Mass. Parents & Sponsors are to attend. Sponsor meeting at 1 p.m. in Chapel Hall. - Date for Villa Roma Trip - June 22nd-27th, 5 nights/6 days (Sunday thru Friday) Price includes: hotel accommodations, meals, activities, night entertainment, tips, tax, and transportation - Adults $540. + 40 transportation, Children up to 3 yrs. Free, 4 to 10 $150. + 40 transportation, 11 to 17 $175. + 40 transportation. Page 9 Top Personal Meditation February 23rd, 2003 Gospel Reading
some days Jesus returned to Capernaum. As the news spread that he was at home,
so many people gathered that there was no longer room even outside the door.
While Jesus was preaching the Word to them, some people brought a paralyzed man
to him. The
four men who carried him couldn't get near Jesus because of the crowd, so they
opened the roof above the room where Jesus was and, through the hole, lowered
the man on his mat. When Jesus saw the faith of these people, he said to the
paralytic, "My son, your sins are forgiven." Now,
some teachers of the Law who were sitting there wondered within themselves,
"How can he speak like this insulting God? Who can forgive sins except
God?" At
once Jesus knew through his spirit what they were thinking and asked, "Why
do you wonder? Is it easier to say to this paralyzed man: 'Your sins are
forgiven,' or to say: 'Rise, take up your mat and walk?' But now you shall know
that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins." And
he said to the paralytic, "Stand up, take up your mat and go home."
The man rose and, in the sight of all those people, he took up his mat and went
out. All of them were astonished and praised God saying, "We have never
seen anything like this!" Reflection
today's story we seem to have a miracle occurring almost independently of the
man being cured. His sins are forgiven and he is cured, but specifically because
of the faith of his friends. What we have here then is a form of faith we
sometimes forget about but plays an important role in our lives. When my faith
is weak, I need your faith to support me. When your faith is weak, you need my
faith to support you. This underscores our mutual support in facing life's
challenges. No one in an island. No one stands alone. Each one needs each other. * * * * * ASH WEDNESDAY—March 5TH Gospel Reading
said to his disciples, "Be careful not to make a show of your righteousness
before people. If you do so, you do not gain anything from your Father in
heaven. When you give something to the poor, do not have it trumpeted before
you, as do those who want to be seen in the synagogues and in the streets in
order to be praised by the people. I assure you, they have been already paid in
full. "If
you give something to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right
hand is doing, so that your gift remains really secret. Your Father who sees
what is kept secret, will reward you. "When
you pray, do not be like those who want to be seen. They love to stand and pray
in the synagogues or on street corners to be seen by everyone. I assure you,
they have already been paid in full. When you pray, go into your room, close the
door and pray to your Father who is with you in secret; and your Father who sees
what is kept secret will reward you. "When
you fast, do not put on a miserable face as do the hypocrites. They put on a
gloomy face, so people can see they are fasting. I tell you this: they have been
paid in full already. When you fast, wash your face and make yourself look
cheerful, because you are not fasting for appearances or for people, but for
your Father who sees beyond appearances. And your Father, who sees what is kept
secret will reward you." Reflection
Wednesday begins the great season of Lent, when we are invited to "rend our
hearts and not our garments" and to "offer to God a sacrifice of a
humble and contrite spirit." As we enter into the spirit of this season, it
is good to remind ourselves of the truthfulness and honesty that Jesus asks of
his followers-one that suggests an almost child-like disposition. A child is
spontaneous and free in what he does. In a way, our way of living our faith
should be the same, spontaneous, free, child-like, honest, and true. The world
must know of our faith and our commitment to it. We must not hide the fact that
we follow in the footsteps of Christ. But what Jesus was really warning against
was not so much the external manifestations of our faith, but the internal
dispositions that lead one to them. What one's motives and intentions are makes
all the difference. For Jesus, it is what lies deep in our hearts that is of the
greatest importance. |