© copyright stannes4/2000 Page 1 March 30th, 2003 4th Sunday of Lent
Let Us
Pray For Those Seriously Ill Vocation reflections
If you feel this call, “inquire within” and Please contact the Vocations Office the Vocations Office at (973) 497-4365 or by E-mail at kellyric@rcan.org. Or visit our web site at www.rcan.org.
HOUR FOR PRIESTS Every Tuesday the Blessed Sacrament is exposed in the church from 3 to 4 p.m. It is an hour of prayer for the priests, DIVINE MERCY and religious men and women of the church. Prayers are also said for an increase of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. We invite you to come and spend time with the Lord for these intentions and for your personal requests. The Holy Hour closes with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. If you cannot join us in church, we ask you to join us from a quiet spot in your home and pray with us, asking the Lord to guide and protect our priests.
Easter Flowers
For your convenience, a
“Flower” depository has been placed in the front of church next to the
altar. While beautifying the church
for the Easter Season through the generosity of your donation, you will also be
remembering your loved ones. On
Easter Sunday in the church vestibule, there will be a “donor” list
displayed. If you wish to have your
loved ones listed, kindly drop
off your flower envelope by April 13th.
MONDAY Is 65:17-21 Ps 30:2,4-6,11-12a,13b Jn 4:43-54 TUES. Ez 47:1-9,12 Ps 46:2-3,5-6,8-9 Jn 5:1-16 WED. Is 49:8-15 Ps 145:8-9,13c-14,17-18 Jn 5:17-30 THURS.
Ex 32:7-14 Ps 106:19-23 Jn 5:31-47 FRIDAY Wis 2:1a,12-22 Ps 34:17-21,23 Jn 7:1-2,10,25-30 SATURDAY Jer 11:18-20 Ps 7:2-3,9b-12 Jn 7:40-53 NEXT
31:31-34 Ps 51:3-4,12-15 Heb 5:7-9 Jn 12:20-33
Padre Pio
Anne’s Padre Pio Group will be meeting Saturday, April 5th in
church at 2 p.m. for prayers followed by their meeting in the auditorium.
All are welcome. Anointing Mass
will be an Anointing Mass on Saturday, April 12th at 2
p.m. in the auditorium. Confessions
will be heard at 1:30 p.m. This is
an opportunity to receive the graces and sacraments to heal your body, mind and
soul. Palms
will be distributed after the Mass. The
Holy Name men will graciously serve refreshments and offer time for you to socialize with each other as a
way to help spread Parish friendship and community. If
transportation is needed, please call Sister Celeste at 201-222-0497. Irish Tenor Honored
Tynan, of the much-loved “Irish Tenors”, will be honored at the annual
dinner of the Scholarship Fund for Inner-city Children on Thursday,
May 8th at Mayfair Farms
in West Orange. The Fund, affiliated
with the Archdiocese of Newark, awards scholarships to inner-city children to
enable them to attend parochial schools. Join Archbishop Myers for cocktails, dinner and a delightful evening with Ronan Tynan. For further information, please call Rosemary at 973-497-4281 or Lorraine Cunningham at 908-232-5874. Top page 4Our Web Site When you log
on and browse around you’ll see all kinds of information about our parish.
Included, of course, will be the current activities for the many different
organizations as well as an update as to what is going on with our parish
family. By your wounded heart: teach us love, teach us love, teach us love..... -Daphne Fraser Old
Scripture Cake
The famous “OLD SCRIPTURE” cake. If you know your Bible well, this will pose no problems. If you don’t know it quite that well, the translation
will be at the end of the recipe. CAKE
cup Genesis 18:8 1/4 teaspoon each 2 Chronicles 9:9
1/2 cup Jeremiah
6:20 1/2 cup Judges 4:19 5 Isaiah 10:14 (separated) 3/4 chopped Genesis 43:11
cups sifted Leviticus
24:5 3/4
cup finely cut Jeremiah 24:5
teaspoons 2 Kings
2:20 3/4 cup 2 Samuel 16:1 3 teaspoons Amos 4:5 Whole Genesis 43:11 ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Directions:
Cream Genesis 18 with Jeremiah 6. Beat in yolks of Isaiah 10, one at a time.
Sift together Leviticus 24; 2 Kings 2; Amos 4; Exodus 30; and 2 Chronicles 9. *
into creamed mixture alternately with Judges 4. Beat whites of Isaiah 10 till
stiff; fold in. Fold in chopped Genesis 43; Jeremiah 24; and 2 Samuel 16. Turn
into 10-inch tube pan that has been greased and dusted with Leviticus 24. * Bake at 325 degrees F until it is golden brown or Gabriel blows his trumpet, whichever happens first. Bake for an hour and ten minutes. Remove from oven. After fifteen minutes, remove it from the pan. Cool completely. Drizzle over it some Burnt Jeremiah Syrup. *************************************************************************************************************************** BURNT JEREMIAH SYRUP Ingredients:
1/2 cups Jeremiah 6:20 1/2
cup Genesis 24:45 1/4
cup Genesis 18:8 Directions:
Jeremiah 6 in a heavy skillet over low heat. Keep cooking it till it is a deep
gold, then add Genesis 24. Cook till smooth and remove from the heat. Add
Genesis 18 and stir till it melts, then cool. *
drizzling this on the Scripture Cake, you can decorate it with whole Genesis. Top page 6 THE SCRIPTURE CAKE: KEY WORDS from the OLD
SCRIPTURES: butter, sweet cane, eggs, fine flour, salt, leavened, sweet cinnamon,
spices, milk, almonds, figs, raisins, water. Top Page 7
Page 8 Top
Page 9 Top CCD News · Practice for Last Supper Presentation today from 11-12:30 p.m. Please make sure all children are here. · Lenten Reflection in Song today at 3:30 p.m. in church. Grades 6 & 7 are to be present - Sponsors from Candidates in grade 7, parents from grade 6 & 7, all parishioners are invited. · Confirmation classes in session Thursdays from 6:30-8 p.m. Please have children attend - some have been absent. · Palm Crosses for the graves will be sold on April 5th/6th at all Masses. You can call Sr. Alberta if you want to place an order. Will Requests
“Where there is a Will, there is a way!”
Whether you realize
it or not, your estate plans may have changed.
Changes in your family, your charitable priorities, state and federal tax
law, or even the performance of the economy, can make it necessary to revise
your estate plans. For further
information, please contact Deacon John J. McKenna, Director of Planned Giving
and Stewardship at 973-497-4125. Other activities See parish news for The Way of the Cross, A Living |