| http://www.vatican.va/phome_en.htm
The Vatican A site with
information about the Vatican, Catholicism, and the Holy Father.
 | http://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/_INDEX.HTM
Vatican site for Catholic Catechism reference
 | http://www.rcan.org/
Archdiocese of Newark A site with information
about all diocesan churches, events and available services.
 | http://www.rc.net/wcc/readings/index.html
A wonderful guide to daily reading of the scriptures
 | www.catholic.org
Why Catholic online Consistently providing the world wide Catholic
community with dependable and reliable news and information, using state of
the art technology since 1991. Catholic Online... Fact
Driven - Faith Informed
 | http://www.theholyrosary.org/
Visuals to pray
 | http://www.angelfire.com/electronic/rosary/links.html
 | http://www.reapteam.org
Reap team is a Catholic evangelization group that gives teen retreats in the
St. Louis area. Their well-designed site promotes teen chastity with
humor, advice, practical dating suggestions, church contacts. their
newsletter motto: "Read it and reap!"
 | http://www.americancatholic.org
American Catholic Online A web site that has a link
to St. Anthony's Messenger (including access to the Saint of the Day,
Catholic newsletters, including the Millennium Monthly and online shopping
for Catholic merchandise.
 | Padre Pio of Pietrelcina http://www.padrepio.org/Default.aspx
 | The
Catholic Encyclopedia
 | Liturgy
of the Hours
To find your
senators and congressional info go to http://congress.org
This site will give you facts on what your representatives are doing and how
they vote. It also gives you the direct path to voice your opinions re:
important issues.
Catholic exchange is a "faith and Life" homepage for Catholics. You not
only get spiritually enriching material, but you can also read the daily
news, check out the weather, and read the sports page. You'll also discover
great Catholic content like "live" Catholic radio and television, weekly
Bible studies, bishop's columns, daily Mass reading and much more.
Visit http://www.catholicexchange.com/
A plan to read through the New
Testament, Psalms and Proverbs in a year! |