St. ANNE’S SCHOOL – AN OVERVIEW 1903-2012 St. Anne’s School was a religious and educational resource that served St. Anne’s Parish since 1903. Operating under the auspices of St. Anne’s Parish and the Newark Archdiocesan School System, the school emphasized the value of our faith and continually sought to build a faith and community, where priests, parents, parishioners, students, faculty, and staff share a common concern for the spiritual and educational growth of each individual. The school staff was made up of the Sisters of Charity, lay teachers and parish priests. The school was under the direction of a lay principal educating from pre-school through grade eight. The basic subjects are taught employing various educational techniques and audio-visual equipment. A computer center was utilized to instruct the students in grades K-8 on the use of computers. In addition the school has a library staffed by volunteers. Religion is an integral part of the curriculum and permeates all aspects of daily school activities. In addition, St. Anne's students participated in a variety of activities and experiences which gave positive expression to their faith such as school Masses, para liturgies, reception of the sacraments and service to others. Sadly, the doors of St. Anne's school closed in June of 2012. The students who graduated from our school are highly successful and accomplished. They went on to the finest high schools and many are highly accomplished in their field of choice.